One of the main concerns of IDEA (International Digital Epigraphy Association) is the curation and preservation of data that has been collected and aggregated during the EAGLE project. For this reason, IDEA is continuously investing in the aggregation, update, and disambiguation of epigraphic content coming from several projects as well as in the maintenance of the EAGLE Portal and of its associated services.

Through the EAGLE Inscription Search Engine (, it is possible to browse the constantly growing EAGLE epigraphic database, consisting of:

  • 593,597 ARTEFACTS (information that is somehow related to the physical carrier of the inscription) of which 516,701 are unique results (i.e. related to the same inscription)
  • 474,577 TEXTS (90% at least partially marked up in TEI EpiDoc) of which 386,206 are unique results
  • 1,314,963 IMAGES of which 233,587 are unique results

In addition, in 2018 IDEA supported a series of epigraphic training workshops, such as:

  • epigraphy course at the Liceo Classico Galileo in Florence, which was part of a project of “learning and working” training for teachers and students
  • digital epigraphy course at Bari
  • “Roma: una città dal visibile parlare”, a “learning and working” training project at the Istituto Santa Maria in Rome

Existing members and new members of IDEA are invited to send in their annual subscriptions so that IDEA can continue to support a range of activities.

Members are also invited to apply for financial support for the implementation of small projects coherent with the scope of IDEA’s activities, as stated in the Article 5 of our Charter:

Art. 5 – “The goal of the association is the promotion of the use of advanced methodologies in the research, study, enhancement, and publication of “written monuments,” beginning with those of antiquity, in order to increase knowledge of them at multiple levels of expertise, from that of specialists to that of the occasional tourist. In order to reach its statutory goals, the association promotes, organizes, and manages conventions, conferences, exhibits (including virtual exhibits), prizes, and training courses (including online courses); it conducts editorial activities; it promotes and supports the maintenance and efficiency of the portal created by the European project EAGLE (European network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy); it participates in and promotes the participation of its members in projects and initiatives, including in collaboration with third parties; it promotes initiatives in the interest of its members; it performs and encourages studies and research; it collects data and news of interest to the activity of its members; it carries out consultations in favor of its members; it more generally carries out all activities useful for the achievement of the goals that the association proposes.”

This year, there will be two deadlines for sending the proposals: March 31st and September 30th, 2019. For each round, a maximum of 1,000 Euros will be granted.

To subit a proposal, please send an email to Every application should include a budget breakdown and an explanation of how their project fits IDEA’s priorities.

The Board will evaluate all the proposals received by the deadline and communicate the winner(s) of the grant two weeks after the deadline.