The history of Classical Greece notoriously is accounted from Herodotus and Thucydides. But the Histories of Herodotus end in 478, while Thucydides Peloponnesian war account starts in 431. There is no literary and historical continuous detailed account of the period between the Persian wars and the Peloponnesian war, if not a brief account in the first book of the histories of Thucydides, based on lost historians. That is one of the reasons why historians have devoted to this central piece of the fifth century, in which Athens had its empire, so much attention. Among the main direct sources we have for the period is a very important inscribed document, the Athenian Tribute List, which reports for each year the part of the tribute sent to the treasurers of Athena (1/60). This gives us an idea of the extent of the power of the city and allows to indagate this obscure period of history with direct evidence.

This is what the text reads

[In the twenty-first period of office, for which Prot]onikos of Kerameis son of Epichares
was secretary, -machos son of Charidemos of Xypete was hellenotamias.
col. 6
(5) Cities that assessed themselves for tribute (poles autai phoron taxamenai)
8 dr. 2 ob.        Aiolitans
50 dr.        Galaians
50 dr.        Milkorians
(10)100 dr.        Amorgians
16 dr. 4 ob.        K[asians]
16 dr. 4 ob.        Ka[llipolitans]
25 dr.        Sartaians
16 dr. 4 ob.        Et[eokarpathians]
(15)8 dr. 2 ob.        Pha[rbelians]
16 dr. 4 ob.        [Chedrolians]

(Translation of IG I3 278 by: Stephen Lambert, Robin Osborne)
More translations, e.g. of IG I3 259 and IG I3 270 on Attic Inscriptions Online.


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