There are several Funerary inscriptions describing one of – apparently – Dacia’s less pleasant realities: the existence of violent and dangerous bands of thieves. One of these is in the photo above, another example is the one below, where the deceased was killed by such latrones, as the dedication made by his sons and brother states.

As in the example in the photo, this inscription talks about a victim of the latrones. In this case, the victim was a young girl, commemorated by her parents. In a more emotional note, the inscription also states that the dead has been revenged (interfecta a latronibus et vindicata).

------] / I(?)A(?)C(?)[---] / interfecta a latro(nibus) / et vindicata / Ulcudius Baedari / et Sutta Epicadi / p(arentes) p(ientissimae) fil(iae) tit(ulum) p(osuerunt) / D(is) I(nferis) M(anibus) Ulcudius / B(ae)dari v(i)xi(t) an(nos) L (HD044377)
(For) ...., killed by thieves and avenged. Inscription dedicated by the parents Ulcudius Baedari and Sutta Epicadi, for their most pious daughter. To the Manes, the infernal gods, for Ulcudius Baedari, who lived 50 years. (EAGLEWIKI11312)


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Room 3: Objects and the relation between image, text and context

Room 5: The stone cutter, methods and mistakes

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