Dittenberger, W. & K. Purgold, Die Inschriften von Olympia (Olympia Textband V) , Berlin 1896 , no. 481 (Q5665)

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Base for bronze statue of Polycharmus, governor of Achaea. Olympia (Achaea). Fourth century
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Dittenberger, W. & K. Purgold, Die Inschriften von Olympia (Olympia Textband V) , Berlin 1896 , no. 481
Base for bronze statue of Polycharmus, governor of Achaea. Olympia (Achaea). Fourth century


    University of Oxford
    0 references
    We, the Phigalians set (this) up (to) Polycharmus, the true benefactor, as a herm of Dike (i. e. as an image of Justice) near justice-speaking Zeus. The Greeks agreed: for he finished his rule happily, being skillful in every virtue.
    1 reference
    Dittenberger, W. & K. Purgold, Die Inschriften von Olympia (Olympia Textband V) , Berlin 1896 , no. 481
    Rizakis, A. D., Roman Peloponnese 1. Roman personal names in their social context (Achaia, Arcadia, Argolis, Korinthia and Eleia) , Athens and Paris 2001 , 513 Eleia no. 300
    Last Statue of Antiquities