AE 1994, 524 (Q10314)

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Revision as of 16:19, 20 November 2015 by Eagle-reserved (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: Property:P11: To the gods of the underworld. To Gerontous Felicissimus; Re(...) Eventiane set this up to her most beloved husband who lived with her 17 years and six months and who left her behind alone, to him who...)
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Copertura sepolcrale a cupa per Gerontius Felicissimus
Language Label Description Also known as
AE 1994, 524
Copertura sepolcrale a cupa per Gerontius Felicissimus


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    (Sacro) agli dei Mani. A Gerontius Felicissimus Re(---) Eventiana al suo amatissimo marito, il quale visse assieme (a lei) per diciassette anni e sei mesi, e che (poi) lasciò sola, pose opportunamente per colui che lo meritava. (Spendendo) centocinquanta denari.
    1 reference
    Bridget Almas
    Marie-Claire Beaulieu
    Eleonora Santin
    Pietro Liuzzo
    Gianfranco Agosti
    Ulrich Gehn
    To the gods of the underworld. To Gerontous Felicissimus; Re(...) Eventiane set this up to her most beloved husband who lived with her 17 years and six months and who left her behind alone, to him who deserves it well. [She spent] 150 denarii.
    0 references