L'Année épigraphique, , 1928, 80 (Q6076)

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Revision as of 12:25, 12 May 2014 by Pietrodn (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: Property:P11: [Statue of] Iunius Quartus Palladius, of clarissimus rank. To a man distinguished in the greatness and nobility of his most outstanding honours, Iunius Quartus Palladius, of clarissimus and illustriou...)
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Base for bronze statue of Iunius Quartus Palladius, consul and praetorian prefect; erected by his brother. Rome. 416-421.
Language Label Description Also known as
L'Année épigraphique, , 1928, 80
Base for bronze statue of Iunius Quartus Palladius, consul and praetorian prefect; erected by his brother. Rome. 416-421.


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    University of Oxford
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    [Statue of] Iunius Quartus Palladius, of clarissimus rank. To a man distinguished in the greatness and nobility of his most outstanding honours, Iunius Quartus Palladius, of clarissimus and illustrious rank, who surpassed the honours of his ancestors and was continually abiding by the res publica , praetor and quaestor ( praetori et quaestori kandidato ), notary and tribune, count of the imperial treasury ( comes sacrarum largitionum ), praetorian prefect of Illyricum, Italy and Africa for six years, consul ( consul ordinarius ), legate of the most outstanding Senate four times. Because of the strong affection of their kinship, and for the adornment of his house, his brother considered fair to place and set up a statue of him among himself and his family.
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