EAGLE Vocabulary - Writing

preferred label relation term language


Translated term als Mosaik de
Translated term mozaik hu
Translated term musiva it
Translated term tesselle, tessère fr
Translated term tesserae (mosaic) la
Translated term ψηφιδωτό el
Translated term مكعبات (فسيفساء) ar
Translated term opere musivo ex tessellis albis compositae la
Translated term aus weißen Mosaiksteinchen de
Definition mosaic en
Definition Musiva. Si riferisce alle scritte realizzate con tessere di mosaico. Da non confondere con le scritte realizzate con altro tipo di pezzetti di pietra o marmo non costituenti tesserae, vd. crustis (Silvia Evangelisti). it
Definition Also listed by Anne Glock from volumes II/7 (Corduba); VI 8, 2 and 3 (Rome); XIII (Gaul and Germania); XVII/4,1 (Milestones) in CIL en
Examples EDR000939
Same as Mosaik de
Same as Tessellis scriptus la
Created 2013-08-26 11:39:23