EAGLE Vocabulary - Material

preferred label relation term language


Translated term Porphyr, grüner de
Translated term Porphyr, roter de
Translated term Porfido rosso it
Translated term andezit-porfír hu
Translated term marmo porfido verde antico it
Translated term marmo porfido di Grecia it
Translated term marmo porfido serpentino it
Translated term Marmor Lacedaemonium la
Translated term marmo porfido rosso it
Bibliography Bibliography by Anne Glock (CIL): Blümner, Hugo, Terminologie und Technologie, Leipzig 1884, 18ff.; Gnoli, Raniero, Marmora Romana, Rom 1971, 1988 (mit Abbildungen), 122ff.; Mielsch, Harald, Buntmarmore aus Rom im Antikenmuseum Berlin, Berlin 1985 (mit Abbildungen), 731-746; Borghini, Gabriele, Marmi Antichi 1, Rom 2001 (mit Abbildungen), 121; Provan, Donald, Roman Rock. Marble and other decorative rock in the Roman World, online (ohne Jahr), 19, Harrell, James A., Decorative Stones in the Pre-Ottoman Islamic Buildings of Cairo, Egypt (online ohne Jahr), I 20.
Contained in Porphyrische (ungleichkörnige) Kristallingesteine de
External definition Andesit-Porphyr
Created 2013-08-26 16:54:50