EAGLE Vocabulary - Type of Inscription

preferred label relation term language


Translated term titulus incerti generis la
Translated term Inschrift unbekannter Art de
Translated term altro tipo it
Translated term andere de
Translated term autres fr
Translated term other en
Translated term otros es
Translated term أخرى ar
Definition all types of identifiable inscriptions not indicated by other categories en
Definition tutto ciche identificabile e non rientra in altri tipi it
Definition Also listed by Anne Glock from volumes II/7 (Corduba); VI 8, 2 and 3 (Rome); XIII (Gaul and Germania); XVII/4,1 (Milestones) in CIL en
Created 2013-08-01 12:27:53
Modified 2013-08-20 15:10:07