EDR123574 EDR123574

This curse tablet does not just contain a text but also symbols of magical significance. The tablet was found into a lamp with some others, where it was deposed as part of a ritual. The target was identified in the text by its name and the name of the mother. On the reverse the reason for the course was given. There are four snakes which frame the text, which is into a rectangle into which we see a rhombus with a limbless body. letters are very well written in a cursive writing, but are as small as 1mm each and unevenly written (some in ligature, some very rapidly). In the text angels from below are invoked after the nymphs in order to remove the right and the left eye of the target, in this case a sort of attorney which would have not been able to carry out his duties any more if blind. Under the circles there are also two magical names which often come from coptic, demotic or other egyptian and eastern languages and they refer to the eyes as well.


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