This is a marble plate from Italica with vestigia or footprints, which was the preferred offering for deities such as Isis, Dea Caelestis, Nemesis,et. This one was found in an area of the amphitheater identified as Nemesis’ sanctuary and its singularity lies in the use of a script akin to the Greek alphabet but engraved in the wrong direction and with the letters oddly placed. Nevertheless, the language below the scribbling is Latin and that probably points to some magical purpose.


HEpOl 25771


Room 3 - Objects and the relation image, text, context: Previous | Next

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Room 0: Introduction

Room 1: Inscriptions and History

Room 2: Script and Alphabets

Room 4: Emotions in inscriptions

Room 5: The stone cutter, methods and mistakes

Room 6: Digital technologies for epigraphy


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