CHC_logoCHC (Research Group for Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Computing, est. 2005) is an inter-disciplinary research group of geo-scientists, archaeologists, classical historians and IT-specialists who focus on the scientific analysis of artifacts and development and operation of databank-based information systems. CHC is located at the University of Salzburg, Dept. of Geography and Geology and works in close cooperation with the Dept. of Classical Studies. CHC’s objective is the documentation and procurement of contents concerned with the cultural heritage of mankind through state-of-the-art computer technologies. The organization’s thematic focus is classics and archaeometry.

Activities are geared towards creation of archaeological & archaeometric databases and information systems, as well as interactive cartography and archaeometric research. These efforts include development and maintenance of a scientific database for archaeological artifacts (UBI ERAT LUPA and HISPANIA EPIGRAPHICA), spatial archaeological information systems for the general public (MAIN LIMES MUSEUMS, AIS-UPPER AUSTRIA, FONTERES OF ROMAN EMPIRE and HISTORIC QUARRIES), expert systems to support specialists in the process of evaluation and analysis of large amounts of data with specially designed tools for visualization (FACEM and SAXA LOQUUNTUR), Roman stone monuments and quarries used in antiquity in their local and supra-regional historic relationship – involving data from the UBI ERAT LUPA database (Iuvavum – Roman Stone Monuments in the Bavarian-Austrian Borderland).

Our collaborators come from universities and other scientific institutions, national heritage institutions and administrations, schools, museums and libraries.

Role in the project

  • Content provider
  • Leader of the WG on IPR and user engagement (T2.4)