=> EAGLE-IDEA App by CNR-ISTI (AIMH and Infracience labs): GOOGLE PLAY <=

=> ReadyToGo App by Visual Engines: APP STOREGOOGLE PLAY <=

The EAGLE Mobile Application enables a (mobile) user to get information about one visible inscription by taking a picture with a mobile device, and sending it to the EAGLE portal. There are two recognition modes:

  • In “Exact Match Mode” the result will be all the information associated with the image, if recognized, or a message saying that the image was not recognized.
  • In “Similarity Search Mode” the result will be a list of inscriptions (just thumbnails and some summary information) ranked in order of similarity to the image sent to the EAGLE server; by clicking on one of the thumbnails the user will receive all the information associated with that inscription.

There are two ways to use the EAGLE Mobile Application. The first way is to download one of the two applications that have been developed so far:

  • the first one is the EAGLE-IDEA application by CNR-ISTI (AIMH and Infracience labs, previously NeMIS). EAGLE-IDEA is a mobile app to visually recognize Greek and Latin inscriptions. To use it download the app from the link available on the top and bottom of this webpage, tap on the “Start Camera” button and take a picture of an inscription to get historical and cultural information about that.
  • the second one is the ReadyToGo application, courtesy of Visual Engines. To use it please follow these simple instructions:
  1. download the ReadyToGo app from the link available on the top and bottom of this webpage
  2. “recognition”-> “try a friend’s recognizer”
  3. use CustomerId: eagle , Application name: EAGLE-Official  (it is case sensitive)
  4. Touch “Login” or “Access”
  5. give permission to the use of your smartphone’s camera
  6. point your smartphone to one of the recognizable Eagle’s epigraphs

The second way is to install the Telegram application and download the EAGLE extension, through which it is possible to send an image to the EAGLE server and get back the related information. To use it:

  • install Telegram on your smartphone
  • Search @eagleprojectBot
  • Tap on start/restart
  • Send a picture as attachment, either from the camera or from your smartphone memory
  • Wait for the response and click on the provided link


=> EAGLE-IDEA App by CNR-ISTI (AIMH and Infracience labs): GOOGLE PLAY <=

=> ReadyToGo App by Visual Engines: APP STOREGOOGLE PLAY <=