If you use inscriptions in your work or study, would you have one minute to take part in this very short survey? It will provide valuable insights into the needs today’s users of epigraphic publications: http://ow.ly/utyDk

To develop and improve tools for epigraphy, especially digital ones in the growing context of epigraphy-specific TEI (EpiDoc), it is essential to know the needs of users of epigraphic publications. The idea of my project is therefore to explore today’s audiences of epigraphic publications. This will contribute to future guidelines for digital tools for epigraphy. My primary interest at the moment is which possible customisations will be most useful in the online (re)presentation of inscriptions, but the results will equally be valuable for the long-term creation of online environments where inscriptions can be collected, displayed and commented on.


Laura Löser

MA (Honours) Ancient History, St Andrews/Leiden