Please find below the call for applications for the PhD Program History and Archaeology. Studies on Heritage Memory and Cultures, launched by the University of Bologna:
One of the eight available positions concerns epigraphy:
PhD Scholarship PNRR ex M.D. 118/2023 – Cultural Heritage | Funded by the EU – NextGenerationEU with funds made available by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) Mission 4, Component 1, Investment 4.1 (M.D. 118/2023) – Cultural Heritage | Cultural Interconnections in the Ancient Mediterranean: Projects for the Epigraphic Heritage’s Enhancement through the Digital Dimension |
This position focuses on (but is not limited to):
- project proposals which refer to the ancient epigraphic heritage of a single territorial area, to be carried out in collaboration with the institutions in charge of the protection of the epigraphic heritage;
- project proposals which integrate and connect already built digital epigraphic collections to national and international digital research infrastructures by enhancing collaborations with the Central Institute for the Digitization of Cultural Heritage – Digital Library of the Ministry of Culture.
Deadline: June 20, 2023