We are glad to announce that the 5th Epigraphy.info workshop organised by the research unit of Ancient History of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) will take place from November 3rd-6th, 2020.
Due to the the current international measures against the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop will have a hybrid form. This means that we will offer you the possibility to attend it in person or to join it virtually.
In order to register for the workshop:
- Fill in the Eventbrite registration form until September 18th 2020: https://epigraphyinfov.eventbrite.nl
- Send the registration confirmation to info@epigraphy.info and specify in the email whether you are planning to attend the workshop in person (if the international measures will allow it) or if you prefer to participate via video conference.
Poster session:
The Leuven workshop will host a virtual poster session dedicated to the presentation of new digital projects. If you would like to participate with a poster, please send a short abstract (max. 200 words) to our committee by September 18th, 2020 (info@epigraphy.info).
Technical training:
As in Vienna and in Hamburg the Leuven workshop will be preceded by a technical training, which will be structured in three sessions. This will take place from November 3rd to 4th, 2020 and will have, as the main workshop, a hybrid form.
Session 1 (Tuesday November 3rd):
Mark Depauw, Tom Gheldof, N.N., “Trismegistos Users Sessions”
A hands-on workshop that explores the different Trismegistos portals (TM Places, People, Texts, …) and offers an opportunity to discover its new tools (LOD APIs, SNA tool, …). Please follow this link for further information about this session and to register: https://epinfovworkshoptm.eventbrite.nl.
Session 2 (Tuesday November 3rd):
Tom Elliott, N.N., “Geography in Digital Epigraphy”
This workshop will address computational practices and resources for dealing with geography in epigraphic projects. Please follow this link for further information about this session and to register: https://epinfovworkshopgeo.eventbrite.nl.
Session 3 (Wednesday November 4th):
Vincent Razanajao, “Consolidating and using the EAGLE thesaurus with epigraphic corpora”
The aim of this workshop is to move forward on the key question of metadata related to epigraphy by consolidating and using the EAGLE vocabularies. Please follow this link for further information about this session and to register: https://epinfovworkshopeagle.eventbrite.nl.
Please note that the number of participants will be limited. Therefore, we kindly ask you to register for the sessions you would like to attend as soon as possible by filling in the respective Eventbrite form until September 18th, 2020.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Epigraphy.info committee (info@epigraphy.info).