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A latin Votive inscription to pagan deities, probably from ancient Ganuenta (Netherlands)


Example of an inscription displayed on the wall of a Hercules Temple. Storage place: on the southern wall of the St. Georg’s Church of Spittal; Carinthia; Austria. Lupa No.: 4793


Example of an inscription in honor of Emperor Cracalla from Flavia Solva / Noricum (1st Century AC). Storage place: Museum:Seggauberg – Schloss Seggau; Styria; Austria. Lupa No.: 5147

Rome, S. Sebastiano fuori-le-mura

Rome, S. Sebastiano fuori-le-mura, sandstone quarry. Epitaph of Atimetvs (ICVR V, 12892). Late 2nd century.

Rome, catacomb of Domitilla

Rome, catacomb of Domitilla. Epitaph of Demetrios and Leontia in a mix of Greek and Latin, with an anchor, monogramme of Christ, and bird (ICVR, III 7249). First decades of 4th century.


Dedicatory inscription from the pavement of the forum of ancient Segobriga (Spain)

CIL VI 31987 de lado

Base for statue dedicated to the ‘Fides’ and ‘Virtus’ of the emperor’s soldiers; the name of the general (magister utriusque militiae) Stilicho erased, probably after his downfall in 408. Rome, Forum Romanum, 406.


Pozzuoli, ancient Puteoli (Roman province of Campania, Italy): statue base for Quintus Flavius Maesius Egnatius Lollianus, former governor of Campania and patron of a region of Puteoli. AD 334-342.


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1 fragmentary epigraph, 1 anonymous relief fragment, and 2 gods

Posted on Jun 10 by

This is the story of a document and of many people. The document is a red stone in the vault of a small church in Sinsheim (Germany) that no one would look at really; to the expert eye of the epigraphist, however, even this apparently unimportant stone with a small cluster of scattered letters ("RIO / SION / L") is sufficient to raise intriguing questions and open up a window on the Ancient World.