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Verso EDR 100mila

Posted by on May 16, 2021 in IDEA Association

  Speakers: Lorenzo Calvelli, Giuseppe Camodeca, Giovanni A. Cecconi, Silvia Evangelisti, Antonio E. Felle, Andrea Giardina, Silvia Orlandi. The meeting will be broadcast live on the facebook page of the Italian Institute for Ancient History (Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica):...

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Results of the fourth call for small projects in digital epigraphy

Posted by on Mar 9, 2021 in EAGLE Project, IDEA Association

In 2020, IDEA continued to fund small projects in Digital Epigraphy coherent with the aims of the Association. In Spring 2020 a first grant was awarded to Giovanni Almagno. His project concerned the update and increase of content in EAGLE related to the epigraphical documentation of one of the most important town of Regio IV, Corfinium. 106 records were...

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EAGLE contributions to the LatinNow project

Posted by on Mar 4, 2021 in EAGLE Project, IDEA Association

LatinNow, an interdisciplinary project linking sociolinguistics, archaeology and ancient cultural history of the north-western Roman provinces, has posted a blog about their recent work on the epigraphic portion of their online database. The blog mentions the importance of EAGLE in the development of the database, both in terms of the amount of data made...

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4th Epigraphy.info long report

Posted by on Nov 2, 2020 in IDEA Association

Franziska Weise announced the publication of the long report of the 4th Epigraphy.info workshop held in Heidelberg in February 2020. The report is available at the following link: http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/28950/. Soon it will also be published on the epigraphy.info...

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