EAGLE Storytelling App - EAGLE project

Jean-Pol GRANDMONT, La Fanciulla offerente, marmo pario e pentelico, opere d’arte greca, ca. 250-230 aC. dalla villa imperiale di Anzio, Italia, [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bysa/3.0), Wikimedia Commons

The Award Cerimony of the EAGLE 1st Short Story Contest took place in Rome during the Final EAGLE Conference.

The three stories that have been awarded a 100 Eur Amazon Voucher are:

All the stories have been created making use of the new EAGLE Storytelling Application and they are related to some of the inscriptions featured in one (or more) of the EAGLE Collections.


Download the booklet with the three winning stories: EPUB, PDF.