The c. 100 Cypriot inscriptions in Ancient Greek that the Cyprus Institute will provide to EAGLE and Europeana are selected from the AKGDC project, a searchable digital library based on the 6 volumes of Archaia Kypriaki Grammateia (Ancient Cypriot Literature), published by the A. G. Leventis Foundation between 1995-2008. The AKGDC will allow the users to access the content online. The AKGDC/ STARC collection of Cypriot inscriptions vary in chronology/date and genre. They are dated from the 5th century BC to the 5th century AD and are mostly funerary or dedicatory epigrams in elegiac couplet or hexameter. Most of them are of unknown authors. Currently, the inscriptions are mostly conserved in the Cyprus Museum, the British Museum and various Greek museums, with some important ones in the BibliothËque Nationale de France and Alexandria
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The Inscriptions Database