Alternanza Scuola Lavoro with IDEA

Posted by EAGLE on Feb 6, 2018

In the 2017/2018 school year, IDEA has entered into an agreement with two schools within the framework of the Alternanza Scuola Lavoro (work-related learning): the “Galileo” state high school in Florence and the “Santa Maria” Institute in Rome. As part of the collaboration with IDEA, the students were involved in activities related to the application of digital technologies to the study of ancient inscriptions, already developed within the EAGLE project, with the increase, among other things, of the number of translation

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IDEA supports Trismegistos API and OEDUc

Posted by EAGLE on Feb 2, 2018

After the end of the EAGLE project nothing has stopped or ended. IDEA carries on the day to day tasks of maintenance and development of the EAGLE portal and the related resources. It offers support to existing projects and to new ones, and it carries out for its members at no additional cost the integration tasks to incorporate data into EAGLE. Two examples of projects supported by IDEA are reported below. Trismegistos API Trismegistos has accomplished the incredible task of disambiguating all existing digitized texts during the lifetime of...

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