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Herculanus, Auggustorum nostrorum verna
This is the story of Herculanus, an important imperial slave attested at Sarmizegetusa (the capital of Roman Dacia, today a[...]
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Where are the Dacians?
In 106, Trajan won the war against the Dacian king Decebalus and created the province of Dacia. The capital was[...]
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The wax tablets of Alburnus Maior
Of all the rural communities from Roman Dacia, Alburnus Maior (today Roșia Montană, Alba County) is the best known[...]
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The Building inscriptions of Eleusis and the importance of the epigraphic evidence for reconstruction of architectural remains
The site at Eleusis Article by : Denitsa Dzhigova The Telesterion (from Gr. τελείω, to complete, to initiate), the great[...]
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